Awards Program
The NAACCR Awards Program is designed to acknowledge the contributions of all of our dedicated volunteers. Without the support of volunteers across North America, we would not be able to achieve our mission and goals for cancer surveillance and the reduction of the burden of cancer. You can now enter your Member Recognition Awards Program points online. Click on “Member Recognition Awards Program” below for a detailed description or submit your points today.
NAACCR relies on the active and continuous volunteerism of its members. That spirit is the source of the strength and success of this organization. To foster and celebrate the ongoing contributions of time and effort made by its members, NAACCR has established the Member Recognition Award series. These awards are based on a point system, in which specific activities are assigned a range of point values that may be earned by participation in any of these activities. Eligible activities include attendance at educational meetings, making presentations, serving on NAACCR committees or on the Board of Directors, publishing relevant books, papers or articles, and many other possibilities. Please view the documents above for more information. The point system permits members to earn up to a maximum of 40 points per year. Since the system was designed to promote active and continuous participation, it distributes awards earned at 100 point intervals. The Merit Award is given after an individual has earned 100 points; the Achievement Award is granted after an individual has earned 200 points; and the Leadership Award is bestowed after an individual has earned 300 points. Points are earned on a yearly cycle beginning May 1st of each year and awards are distributed at the Annual Meeting in June. Please assess your accumulated points and submit your applications before March 7th.
Calum S. Muir and Constance L. Percy Awards
NAACCR’s most prestigious award recognition for significant contributions to the cancer surveillance field.
Award Winners
The Calum S. Muir Memorial Award is to honor someone who has made substantive and outstanding contributions in cancer registration. Preference is for the recipient to be an active member of NAACCR with a long term commitment to the organization. The award is bestowed each year at the annual conference. The following individuals have received the Calum S. Muir Memorial Award since its inception in 1996. The inscription imprinted on the plaque presented to each individual appears below their names.
Lynne Penberthy, M.D.
“In recognition of her pioneering efforts, leadership, and long-lasting contributions to cancer surveillance and medical informatics which have immeasurably advanced the field and benefitted cancer registries.”
Roberto Zanetti, MD, PhD
“In recognition of his long and distinguished career in cancer surveillance, contributions to the advancement of cancer epidemiology and cancer control, and his outstanding mentorship, vision, and leadership in the field.”
(No award given)
Frances E. Ross
“For her steadfast dedication throughout her career to improving cancer surveillance in North America, for her generous contributions of service to NAACCR, for serving as a mentor and helping others find their voice, and for providing frank and honest leadership in establishing meaningful data standards.”
Chuck Wiggins
“In recognition of his long-standing service to the cancer surveillance community; commitment to addressing cancer disparities. history of teaching and mentoring the next generation of cancer surveillance scientists; and his ability to ask the tough questions that challenge out thinking and move the field forward.”
(No award given)
Michel Coleman
“In recognition of his outstanding leadership and his lifetime achievements and contributions to the field of cancer registration and surveillance.”
Heather Bryant, MD, PhD, CCFP, FRCPC
“For her enduring vision, expertise, and exemplary leadership in cancer surveillance and cancer control”
Susan T. Gershman, MS, MPH, PhD, CTR
“For her many years of service and leadership to the cancer surveillance community and NAACCR including Board Member, Treasurer, and President, and for her unwavering commitment to the establishment of the interstate data exchange.”
(No award given)
April Fritz, RHIT, CTR
“A teacher, trainer, coach, writer, professional advocate and cancer registry professional for more than thirty years; her enduring
dedication to cancer surveillance and her significant contribution to educating and training cancer registry professionals is a credit to the cancer surveillance community.”
Maria Schymura
“In recognition of an inspiring and exemplary cancer surveillance leader who has advanced the ideals and principles of high quality cancer registration and steadfastly supported data use and research.”
Elizabeth Ward, PhD
“For her enduring dedication to excellence in cancer surveillance, research, and cancer registration and her generous contributions of service and leadership to the NAACCR community.”
(No award given)
Rosemary Dibble, CTR
“for her significant contribution to the development of quality statewide and national databases, the standardization of data, and the development of certification for registrars.”
Dennis Deapen, DrPH
“for his skilled facilitation and thoughtful decision making, expertise in cancer surveillance and epidemiology, and his commitment and dedication to international cancer surveillance.”
Jennifer E. Seiffert, MLIS, CTR
“for her extensive experience, expertise, and knowledge of cancer surveillance standards and her significant work on their development.”
Betsy Kohler, MPH, CTR
“for her tireless dedication to excellence in cancer surveillance and her generous contributions of service and leadership to the NAACCR community”
Lilia O’Connor, MBA, RHIT, CTR
“in tribute to her dedicated career of service to the cancer surveillance community and her extraordinary leadership to NAACCR.”
Larry Derrick, MS
“for his steadfast commitment to cancer registration, substantive contributions to cancer data systems and his dedicated service to the cancer surveillance community.”
Vivien Chen, PhD
“for her many and varied contributions to the NAACCR membership and as a champion of advancements in cancer surveillance locally, nationally and internationally.”
Lynn Ries, MS
“for her many years of unwavering commitment to assuring historical continuity while maintaining currency with societal changes and advances in medical practice in the nation’s cancer surveillance data.”
Diane L. Robson, BA
“in recognition of her unwavering leadership and outstanding contributions in cancer registration, and her common sense and insights that serve as a critical thread of continuity for Canadian registry development.”
Thomas C. Tucker, PhD
“in recognition of his vision in data standardization, his significant leadership in NAACCR Registry Certification, and his strong advocacy in using registry data for cancer control.”
Holly L. Howe, PhD
“in recognition of her substantial and outstanding contributions in cancer surveillance, her dedication in promoting registry data use and her visionary leadership in advancing NAACCR to a new level.”
Kathleen M. McKeen
“in recognition of an outstanding career distinguished by personal excellence and by serving as a mentor for others in the field of cancer registration.”
Brenda K. Edwards, PhD
“in tribute to a career of substantive and outstanding contributions in the field of cancer registration.”
Rosemarie Clive-Bumpus, CTR
“in tribute to a career of substantive and outstanding contributions in the field of cancer registration.”
Dee W. West, PhD
“in tribute to a career of substantive and outstanding contributions in the field of cancer registration.”
Constance Percy
“for outstanding contributions in the field of cancer registration.”
John L. Young Jr., DRPH, CTR
“for outstanding contributions in the field of cancer registration.”
Gilbert Freidell, MD
“for outstanding contributions in the field of cancer registration.”
Award Winners
The Constance L. Percy Award for Distinguished Service has been established to recognize an individual who contributed exceptional volunteer service to NAACCR during the past 12 months, or sustained, current, and long-term contributions to the organization. The award may be bestowed once each year usually at the annual meeting. More than one award may be given in any year. No limit is placed on the number of times an individual may be recognized by the Constance L. Percy Award for Distinguished Service.
Randi Rycroft, MPH, ODS-C
“For her many years of dedicated service to NAACCR in leadership roles, and her unwavering commitment to NAACCR’s principles, mission and members.”
Mr. Steven Peace
“For his passionate dedication to cancer registration education which has inspired and informed thousands of cancer registrars and contributed immeasurably to continuous data quality improvement throughout North America for more than 30 years.”
(No award given)
Eric J. Feuer, PhD
Joshua Sampson, PhD
Li Zhu, PhD
Trevor Thompson
Joe Zhou
Francis Boscoe, PhD
Huann-Sheng Chen, PhD
Each member was presented with a Percy Award for, “his (or her) contribution to the Statistical Expert Panel on Central Registry Completeness.”
Martha Linet
“For her significant contributions to the development, testing, and promotion of NAACCR’s Virtual Pooled Registry.”
Annelie Landgren, MPH, PMP
“For her significant contributions to the development, testing, and promotion of NAACCR’s Virtual Pooled Registry.”
Christopher Johnson, MPH
“In recognition of his many exceptional contributions to the NAACCR community, particularly in the areas of survival analysis, data linkage protocols, and sharing his expertise with others.”
Bruce Riddle
“For his imaginative contributions to push cancer registration into the future by forging new pathways well ahead of their time; and willingness to help the registry community with technical and process matters.”
Winny Roshala, BA, CTR
“In recognition her insightful contributions to the NAACCR community and her ability to develop optimal solutions to difficult issues with clarity and purpose.”
Jennifer Ruhl, MSHCA, RHIT, CCS, CTR
“In recognition of her monumental efforts, exceptional contributions, and sustained leadership of the NAACCR Site-Specific Data Items Task Force during the 2018 transition.”
Mary Potts, RHIA, CPA, CTR
“For her significant contributions to improvements in registry operations, data quality and the development of educational tools that have benefited the cancer surveillance community.”
Maureen MacIntyre, MHSA
“For her deep commitment to NAACCR’s principles, members and mission and her thoughtful and diligent leadership as Board Member and President.”
(2 Recipients)
Susan Bolick, MSPH, CTR
Robin Otto, CTR
“In recognition of their distinguished leadership, dedication, and perseverance in achieving data standards,
commitment to efficient registry operations, and faithful service to NAACCR and the cancer surveillance community.”
Glenn Copeland, MBA
“In recognition of his distinguished work and faithful service to NAACCR and the cancer surveillance community.”
David Stinchcomb, MSc
“for his knowledgeable, thoughtful, and positive contributions to support the advancement of NAACCR cancer data management.”
Lori Swain, MS
“for her generous contributions of service and leadership to the NAACCR community.”
Xiao-Cheng Wu, MD, MPH, CTR
“for her championing of registry data use as exemplified by her leadership of the DURC as well as her commitment to innovative and high-quality research.”
Frances E. Ross, CTR
“for her steadfast commitment to NAACCR and extraordinary dedication to the improvement of registry operations.”
Amy Kahn
“for her conscientious work on numerous committees as well as her commitment to innovative and high-quality research.”
Robin Otto
“for her leadership of the Death Clearances Issues Workgroup and her careful and tireless efforts to develop the Comprehensive Death Clearance Manual, which will serve as an invaluable resource for NAACCR members.”
Eric B. Durbin, MS
“for his collaborative spirit, his patience, and his commitment to cancer surveillance, which have made him an invaluable resource on technical issues that have benefited the entire NAACCR community.”
Hannah K. Weir, PhD
“for her persistence and dedication in negotiating an agreement with the National Death Index on behalf of all US central cancer registries that will result in more broadly available survival data for cancer control efforts.”
Ken Gerlach, MPH, CTR
“for his exceptional leadership to the Information Technology Committee and for his vision leading NAACCR forward through the changing maze of electronic reporting.”
Dennis Deapen, DrPH
“for his thoughtful leadership, commitment to cancer surveillance data use and research, and his tireless efforts on behalf of NAACCR concerning HIPAA.”
Connie Bura
“for her focus on resolving difficult but important issues and her achievements in enhancing communication and cooperation between major cancer surveillance and control organizations in North America.”
Andrew K. Stewart, M.A.
“for his leadership of the Uniform Data Standards Committee and his insight into complex issues, diplomatic and effective communication and keen awareness of the importance of both process and product.”
Jane Braun, MS, CTR
“for her leadership on record consolidation practice; her many other professional contributions; and her dedication, commitment, and service to NAACCR and the entire cancer surveillance field.”
Toshi Abe, MSW, CTR
“for his vision and valuable leadership in Information and Technology, advancing NAACCR members in their knowledge and application of emerging electronic media and tools to enhance cancer surveillance.”
Betsy Kohler, MPH, CTR
“for her vision and leadership on the Education Committee and in the development of new educational initiatives that benefit many NAACCR members.”
Xiao Cheng Wu, MD, MPH, CTR
“for serving as a unique and valuable data analysis resource for NAACCR and for her outstanding contribution in the production of the Cancer in North America monograph.”
Dianne Hultstrom
“for her valuable contributions to the refinement of Standards for Cancer Registries, Volume II and her outstanding leadership of NAACCR Volume II work group.”
Steven Peace, CTR
“for his thoughtful efforts to obtain consensus on data standards and his past leadership as chair of the NAACCR Uniform Data Standards Committee.”
April Fritz, RHIT, CTR
Lynn Ries
“in recognition of the extensive technical and professional contributions she has made for many years on the Uniform Data Standards Committee and its relevance to the publications and use of the data: her instrumental role in developing the technical aspects of the report on benign brain tumors.”
Sally Bushhouse, DVM, PhD
“for her efforts to re-establish the audit program the last year by keeping it on-track, making substantial improvements in the technical and process aspects of the program, and dedicating substantial personal time and effort to ensure that the program continued to be viable.”
Vivien W. Chen, PhD
“for her leadership in issues of data quality and confidentiality and her active participation on the board of Directors and multiple committees.”
Sue Watkins, ART, CTR
Melinda Lehnherr
“for her dedication, leadership, and continuous service toward the Publication of Cancer Incidence in North America and her numerous contributions to the success of the Association.”
Brenda Edwards, PhD
“for her dedication, leadership, and continuous service as Executive Secretary and for her numerous contributions to the success of the Association.”
Holly L. Howe, PhD
“for her dedication in chairing the data publication and evaluation committee and her multiple contributions in the development and production of “Cancer Incidence in North America 1988-1991.”
Larry Derrick
For his dedication in processing and assimilating data from multiple sources, in multiple formats, in order to make the publication of “Cancer Incidence in North America” a reality.
Jennifer Seiffert
“for her vision and dedication in the development, assimilation, editing and publication of “Standards for Cancer Registries”.
Rep. Bernard Sanders (VT)
Award Winners
Established in 2004, the NAACCR Member Recognition Award Series acknowledges the contributions made by NAACCR members. These awards are part of a plan in which specific activities are assigned a range of point values.
The Merit Award is awarded after an individual has earned 100 member points.
The Achievement Award is awarded to an individual who has earned 200 total member points.
The Leadership Award is presented to a member who has earned a total of 300 member points.
Merit Award
(None Awarded)
Achievement Award
(None Awarded)
Leadership Award
Donna Gress
Brenda Hoffer
Merit Award
Bozena Morawski
Monique Hernandez
Margaret Kuliszewski
Kashanna Hector-Lebby
Achievement Award
Valerie Yoder
Carrie Bateman
Kyle Ziegler
Donna Gress
Frances Maguire
Leadership Award
(None Awarded)
Merit Award
Wendy Aldinger
Achievement Award
Brenda M. Hofer
Angela Meisner
Sarah Nash
Leadership Award
(None Awarded)
Merit Award
Heather J. Zimmerman
Kyle Lynn Ziegler
Carrie Bateman
Valerie Yoder
Achievement Award
Bobbie Jo Matt
Donna M. Gress
Leadership Award
April A. Austin, MS
Merit Award
Fran Maguire
Sarah Nash
Angela Meisner
Achievement Award
(None Awarded)
Leadership Award
Baozhen Qiao, PhD
Jennifer Ruhl, MSHCA, RHIT, CCT, CTR
Merit Award
Donna M. Gress
Brenda M. Hofer
Donna Hansen
Achievement Award
Kim Herget
Davis H. Harris
Baozhen Qiao
Annoinette M. Stoup
Leadership Award
Sandra Gamber, BA, CTR, CCS-P
Merit Award
Suzanne Schwartz
Serena Kozie
Achievement Award
Jennifer Ruhl
Leadership Award
Lori Koch
Winny Roshala
Susan Perez
Merit Award
Kyaw Soe Aung
Baozhen Qiao
Laura Ruppert
Heather Stuart-Panko
Achievement Award
Jack Finch
Sandra Gamber
Paulo Pinheiro
Deirdre Rogers
Leadership Award
Maria O. Celaya
Paulo D. Pinheiro
Deirdre B. Rogers