Some of the Forums below are restricted to registered MyNAACCR Members. If you do not have a MyNAACCR account you will have the option to create one upon being prompted to login. Please contact [email protected] with questions.
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The purpose of NAACCR Forums is to give the NAACCR community a place to discuss various topics regarding the cancer surveillance world. It is intended to be a place for individuals to respectfully voice concerns, ask questions and solicit collaboration from NAACCR colleagues. All discussions are to be conducted in a civil manner to promote open discourse, free from intimidation, harassment, bullying, and other disrespectful behavior.
The opinions expressed in the forums are those of the authors and may not represent the official positions of NAACCR.
Individuals who post in the forums are charged with ensuring that all postings are civil and respectful. In the event that one or more participants do not adhere to these standards of behavior, members are encouraged to immediately report the issue to the forum moderator. NAACCR will review the post(s) in question and take steps to prevent the recurrence of such behavior; such steps may include, but are not limited to: 1) Contacting the offender(s) to make them aware of their actions and to request that they adopt appropriate behavior in all future postings; 2) issuing a verbal or written warning to the offender(s) that such behavior will not be tolerated; and 3) notifying the offender’s(s’) supervisor(s) of the inappropriate behavior. In the event the offensive behavior continues or is egregious, the offender(s) may be removed from participating in future discussions.