Certification Criteria

Certification Criteria

Certification Levels & Recognition Logos

NAACCR Gold Certification

Cancer renaaccrgoldcertsmallgistries that meet the Gold Standard for Registry Certification have achieved the highest NAACCR standard for complete, accurate, and timely data to calculate standard incidence statistics for the year reviewed. The assessment is repeated annually and the recognition only pertains to a single year of data. To achieve Gold Certification, the data from a cancer registry must meet all of the following criteria:


  • Case ascertainment has achieved 95% or higher completeness.
  • A death certificate is the only source for identification of fewer than 3% of reported cancer cases.
  • Fewer than 0.1% duplicate case reports are in the file.
  • All data variables used to create incidence statistics by cancer type, sex, race, age, and county are 100% error-free.
  • Less than 2% of the case reports in the file are missing meaningful information on age, sex, and county.
  • Less than 3% of the cases in the file are missing meaningful information on race (US only).
  • The file is submitted to NAACCR for evaluation within 23 months of the close of the diagnosis year under review.

NAACCR Silver Certification

Cancer registrienaaccrsilvercertsmalls that meet the Silver Standard for Registry Certification have achieved a high standard for complete, accurate, and timely data for calculating standard incidence statistics for the year reviewed. The assessment is repeated annually and the recognition only pertains to a single year of data. To achieve Silver Certification, the data from a registry must meet all of the following criteria:



  • Case ascertainment has achieved 90% or higher completeness.
  • A death certificate is the only source for identification of fewer than 5% of reported cancer cases.
  • Fewer than 0.2% duplicate case reports are in the file.
  • All data variables used to create incidence statistics by cancer type, sex, race, age, and county are 97% error-free.
  • Less than 3% of the case reports in the file are missing meaningful information on age, sex, and county.
  • Less than 5% of the cases in the file are missing meaningful information on race (US only).
  • The file is submitted to NAACCR for evaluation within 23 months of the close of the diagnosis year under review.

If your registry has been certified Gold or Silver by NAACCR, you may post the NAACCR Certification Logo (Gold or Silver, respectively) on your registry’s Web site or letterhead. Logos are being developed for each certification year and can be found below. If you wish to use these logos on your site, please download or use the embed codes listed below:

NAACCR Fitness for Use Recognition

NAACCR is pleased to announce a new Fitness for Use for Survival & Prevalence Recognition for registries that meet the inclusion requirements for the CiNA Survival and CiNA Prevalence Volumes of the CiNA Monograph and the related CiNA Survival research dataset. This Recognition is based on meeting the following criteria:



  • Meet the CiNA incidence criteria for all relevant years, and
  • Either meet the SEER standards for follow-up or ascertain deaths through the study cutoff date.

This Fitness for Use Recognition  for Survival and Prevalence is complementary to the NAACCR Certification.  We congratulate the registries meeting these criteria.

Get the Logos

If you have any problems with the logo formats, sizes, or posting them to your web site, please contact  info@naaccr.org

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