Call for Nominations

Call for Nominations

The NAACCR 2025 Election period is now closed. Check back for results.


NAACCR has been a unique and innovative partner in the cancer registry world for over three decades, and volunteers have been the cornerstone of our organization’s success. Serving as a member of the Board is a rare opportunity for members like you to help drive the decisions of this esteemed international association. Through guiding existing programs and identifying future opportunities, Board members play a pivotal role in governing NAACCR affairs and moving the organization forward. NAACCR recognizes that it is fortunate to have knowledgeable, dedicated, and progressive members who volunteer each year to serve on the Board. These members of the NAACCR community generously contribute their time and expertise, allowing NAACCR to make significant, valuable contributions to cancer surveillance.

A NAACCR member is eligible to run for the position of President-Elect, Treasurer, Representative-at-Large, or Nominating Committee when he or she:

  • Is currently a representative of a full member organization in good standing (membership dues current)
  • Has been a representative of a full member organization for one year prior to being nominated to run for the Board
  • Has served as an active member of a qualifying NAACCR committee or been a NAACCR-designated Liaison as specified below prior to being nominated to run for the Board:
    – Has been or is a member of a Standing/Steering Committee, Work Group, Task Force, or Advisory Committee; or
    – Has been or is a member of a Special Committee, e.g. the Scientific Editorial Board, the Institutional Review Board, or the Cancer Registration Steering Committee; or
    – Has been a NAACCR-designated Liaison.
  • An individual who has been a representative in the Association of a full member organization for one year prior to nomination shall be eligible to hold the following offices: President, President‑Elect, Representative‑at‑Large, and Treasurer. To be eligible for the office of President‑Elect, a representative must, prior to the election, have served for one year as a member of the Board of Directors or as a chair of a NAACCR committee.

The following participation does not qualify for Board eligibility:

  • Faculty for NAACCR training programs
  • Persons identified on committee rosters as alternates.

Nominees must also agree to the nomination, in writing, for their names to be added to the final ballot.

  • As President-Elect:
    – Succeed to the office of President at the conclusion
    – May appoint the Committee Chairpersons for his/her term of office prior to assuming the Office of President
  • As President:
    – Functions as the Chief Executive Officer of the Association,
    – Appoints all committee chairpersons, unless otherwise specified
    – Is a member, ex-officio, of each committee,
    – The ex-officio status is without vote.
  • As Immediate past President:
    – Shall assist in the business of the Association

Other duties include:

  • Attend all conference calls and in-person meetings of the Board
  • Act as Board liaison to one of the Steering Committees, which will include participation in all activities of that Committee
  • Be prepared to report to the Board monthly on all Committee liaison activities
  • Volunteer to assist the Board and lead the Board in completion of correspondence and other special activities that come to the Board and require further action or follow-up
  • Approve an annual budget for unrestricted and indirect cost funds for NAACCR by July 1 of each year

Treasurer, an individual shall be responsible for working with the NAACCR Executive Director and Staff to oversee the establishment of the NAACCR budget for unrestricted funds and see that the general business of NAACCR is in good working order. Other duties include:

  • Attend all conference calls and in-person meetings of the Board.
  • Act as Board Liaison to one of the Steering Committees, which will include participation in all activities of that Committee.
  • Be prepared to report to the Board monthly on all Committee liaison activities and other Treasurer related items.
  • Volunteer to assist the President in completion of correspondence and other special activities that come to the Board and require further action or follow-up.
  • Review and endorse the proposed annual budget provided by the Executive Office for unrestricted and indirect cost funds for NAACCR by July 1 of each year. The entire Board gives final approval.

Representatives-at-Large serve as primary liaison officers between NAACCR committees, the Board, and cancer registries to facilitate the exchange of information and the organization of projects. Specific duties include:

  • Attend all conference calls and in-person meetings of the Board.
  • Act as Board liaison to one of the Steering Committees, which will include participation in all activities of that Committee.
  • Be prepared to report to the Board monthly on all Committee liaison activities.
  • Volunteer to assist the President in completion of correspondence and other special activities that come to the Board and require further action or follow-up.
  • Approve an annual budget for unrestricted and indirect cost funds for NAACCR by July 1 of each year.

There are two in-person Board meetings every year: one in the middle of the fiscal year (first quarter of the calendar year) and the other in conjunction with the NAACCR Annual Meeting in June. In addition, a third in-person meeting of a Leadership Retreat or Board/Committee Chair Meeting may happen when funds are available. NAACCR will reimburse travel expenses for the mid-year in-person Board meetings, Leadership Retreat and Board/Chair in-person meeting, unless the Board member is a federal or Sponsoring Member Organization employee. Board member organizations are responsible for travel to the in-person Board meeting at the NAACCR Annual Conference.

NAACCR Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is elected annually during the general election. Elections shall be by ballot. The top three vote recipients will be elected as the Nominating Committee. A Chair for the Nominating Committee shall be elected by the incoming Nominating Committee by the end of the month elected. If all three positions on the Nominating Committee are not filled at the ballot election the remaining position(s) will be elected at the Annual Business Meeting.

  • Is currently a representative of a full member organization in good standing (membership dues current)
  • Has been a representative of a full member organization for one year prior to being nominated to run for the Nominating Committee.
  • Members of the Nominating Committee cannot run for office while serving as a member of the committee.

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