About NAACCR, Inc.
Established in 1987, NAACCR, Inc. is a collaborative umbrella organization for cancer registries, governmental agencies, professional associations, and private groups in North America interested in enhancing the quality and use of cancer registry data. All central cancer registries in the United States and Canada are members.

Formal Mission
The North American Association of Central Cancer Registries, Inc. (NAACCR, Inc.), is a professional organization that develops and promotes uniform data standards for cancer registration; provides education and training; certifies population-based registries; aggregates and publishes data from central cancer registries; and promotes the use of cancer surveillance data and systems for cancer control and epidemiologic research, public health programs, and patient care to reduce the burden of cancer in North America.
Use Of This Site
In addition to providing access to information about the organization and its members, this Web site makes available a variety of standards and technical assistance documents as well as cancer incidence data. You may download files and request technical assistance from NAACCR staff. For more information, please contact the NAACCR Executive Office at [email protected].
NAACCR Staff Contact
Executive Office Telephone : 217-698-0800
Mailing Address : 2050 W. Iles Avenue, Suite A, Springfield, Illinois, 62704-4194
Email : [email protected]