NAACCR Plenaries, 2002
All links are to PDF files.
- Inequities In Cancer Care Cam mustard.pdf Seeking Causal Explanations: Individual, Social And Biological Pathways
- Achieving Equity In Cancer Control – Cancer In Special Populations
- Identifying And Addressing Inequalities In Health: Research Priorities
- Cancer Information Systems And Effective Cancer Control – Developments In Australia
- The (Recent) History Of Social Indicators, (Should We Be) Measuring Social Class, And Health Inequalities
- Socio-Economic And International Differences In Cancer Survival – Can We Do Better?
- Quantifying Class Inequalities In Cancer: Concepts, Measures, Methods And Controversies
- Socio-Spatial Inequalities In Health: A North American Picture
- Achieving Equity In Cancer Control
NAACCR Informatics, 2002
All links are to PDF files
- Why E-path Reporting is Important The Role of Standards and Informatics
- A Paradigm Shift in Cancer Informatics Leading the Pack to Going with the Information Flow
- The Impact of E-Path Technology on the Ontario Cancer Registry Operations
- Visual Modeling for Central Cancer Registries with Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Lessons Learned In Implementing E-Path Reporting In Los Angeles
- Introduction to GIS: A Demonstration Using MapInfo GIS Software
- Geographical Science for Beginner GIS Users in Cancer Registries
- EPRs and Central Cancer Registries
- UML: From Use Case to User Acceptance
- Moving to the Web: A Glimpse of the Future
- Web-based Clinical Information Systems
- ASP Solutions for Health Surveillance
- Update on NAACCR’s GIS Workgroup: Basic Practices Handbook
- ASP: Web Delivered Cancer Registry
- Cancer Mapping the EUROHEIS Way
- Role of the Cancer Registry and Pathology Informatics in the Cancer Center
- Managing Information Technology Projects
- Record Linkage for Registries: Current Approaches and Innovative Applications
- Integrating Network Security into your Site
- Standards for Computing and Communications
- HIPAA.pdf What Does HIPAA Really Say About Web-Based Information?
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- Cancer Clusters: The Myth and the Method
- Visual Modeling for Central Cancer Registries with Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Moving Towards the Vision: Integrating the Cancer Registry into Clinical Research