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NAACCR MissionNAACCR is a professional organization that develops and promotes uniform data standards
for cancer registration

Promotes the use of cancer surveillance data and systems for cancer control and
epidemiologic research, public health programs, and patient care

Makes available a variety of standards and technical assistance documents as well as cancer
incidence data
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NAACCR Education and TrainingEducation & Training Calendar now available!Learn More



The Fondo Elena Moroni for Oncology is pleased to announce that the contest for The Enrico Anglesio Prize 2024 is now OPEN !

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NAACCR, NCRA Partnership for VA Reporting Pays Off

The FY 2024 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill was signed into law by President Biden on March 9, 2024.

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2025 ICD-O Update

New 5th Ed Classification of Tumours books were not released by the World Health Organization in 2023 for review by the NAACCR ICD-O Implementation Task Force.

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2024 NAACCR Election Results

The NAACCR Nominating Committee is charged with encouraging volunteers to consider serving on the NAACCR Board of Directors and to accept eligible nominations for Board elections.

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Now Available! Report from Paris Conference for International Childhood Cancer Partnership

On February 15th, International Childhood Cancer Day, we are proud to announce the release of the final report from the Paris Conference for an International Childhood Cancer Partnership.

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New Narrative System Now Available

Introducing the newly updated Narrative, a one-stop-shop for the latest NAACCR news and information, including updates on the association, training, events, cancer registries and cancer surveillance reports.

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